Monthly Poetic Excursions

Poetry has long been celebrated as a form of artistic expression that transcends boundaries, offering a unique avenue for emotional release and self-discovery. This is why I am deeply passionate about poetry. Through writing poems, I've discovered the ability to express my feelings authentically on paper—words that I can choose to keep to myself or share with others. I welcome you to immerse yourself in my personal thoughts and emotions through the VT Goodreads poetry page.

Behind the Poem

I wrote the poem "Do I Dare" because I have spent so long avoiding what I believe to be my true calling and dreams. I chose the safe route, pursuing a college degree that promised a stable career, but it left me feeling unfulfilled and longing for something more. The few times I did try to chase my dreams, I fell short due to a lack of social support and financial resources. Now, I find myself paralyzed by fear and a loss of belief in myself. So, the question remains: Do I Dare to try again?

Do I Dare

What will people think of me?

Should I even care?

There’s a whole big world out there.

I stand at my window and stare.

Is there a life for me out there?

Failure I could not bear.

"Just do it!" I declare.

But, a person succeeding in life is rare.

Life is not fair.

Do I dare?

What if people glare?

I've played it safe for so long.

Now, I want to set off a flare.

I want them to know I was there.

I want them to know I was here.

I want them to know that I did not fear…

Do I dare?


People often fear pursuing their dreams due to a combination of factors such as fear of failure, fear of judgment, and uncertainty. The prospect of failure can be paralyzing, as it may involve significant emotional, financial, and social costs. Additionally, societal expectations and the fear of being judged or ridiculed by others can deter individuals from stepping out of their comfort zones. The uncertainty and risks associated with leaving behind a stable, familiar routine for an unknown future can also be daunting. These fears, although natural, can hinder personal growth and the fulfillment of one's true potential.